Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Your Own Valentine

Some of you reading this might not like what I have to say and truth be told that’s totally fine with me. But for those few women out there that might agree with me and see eye to eye... Right On! Your ahead of the game.

        Food for thought: If I could count the number of times I was asked yesterday and this morning what I got for Valentines Id need more than my two hands and two feet to keep count. However never once did anyone ask me what I’d be doing for someone else or myself for that matter. It was all “Oh what did Fulanito get you?”, “Where is So&so taking you?”, “Do you think he’s gonna buy you that expensive piece of jewelry you wanted?”. I realize today what pressure society places on people on Valentines Day. It pressures the hell out of women to feel as though they need to have someone who will send them flowers at work for all the girls to “ooh” and “ahh” over, because if you don’t at least get a flower or lie and say you got flowers you’ll get pity faces. Pity face in the world of women is something that drives most women to do ridiculously irrational things such as spending more money than you should on a car you cant afford, and getting hair extensions that cost more than you make in a week, 30 grand in debt and living in your parents house with nothing but your Barbie collection and stuffed animals to call your own. All this to impress people who secretly despise you, (I’ve seen it first hand). And I’ve heard amazing boyfriends and husbands who do phenomenal jobs of putting up with our everyday antics, explain in embarrassed tones how financially they cant afford to do something extravagant, because society has made them feel that they have to spend at least $200 bucks to let her know she’s worth something.

I think it’s……. complete bullshit, and honestly that shit is for the birds.
     I would for once like to be asked “Ooh what are you going to do for yourself tonight?” As if its some long hot awaited date that I’ve been looking forward to forever, with some hot guy who took eons to ask me out. Then I’d respond with “I don’t know I'm thinking its gonna involve champagne, flowers, amazing smelling candles, French macaroons, and really hot sex.” Cue the eye wink, and the Brown Chicken Brown Cow. You catch my drift? Ladies let’s date ourselves, indulge ourselves, spoil ourselves, and by god play with ourselves. All of this in the cutest little undies you can get your filthy little mitts on. Make yourself feel as luxurious, naughty, and decadent as you can. Break out that bottle of perfume that you obsessively hoard cause its “only for special occasions”, rub that expensive lotion on yourself, do your hair all Victoria’s secret like, and be that flirty topless little minx you see in those commercials.

     Let today be the day that you don’t place your self value, on a mans attention or lack there of. Instead give it to yourself without question. Because let me tell you that the most attractive girls in a man’s eyes, are the independent confident ones. That’s hot. Because you don’t need him to make you feel special. Your taking that pressure off of him, that responsibility most men feel for the happiness of they’re partner. Happiness starts with you, my dears. It is the ability to make yourself happy all by your lonesome. By no means am I sitting here saying that I'm not guilty of putting the full weight of my happiness on the shoulders of a man, I too am guilty of it. But that’s another story. If you’re in a relationship might I suggest perhaps taking matters into your own hands for once, and doing all the romantic things your man fantasizes about. The goddess knows there are plenty of under appreciated men out there in the world, who don’t get enough credit for being awesome. Greet him when he comes homes, butt naked and spread eagle on the bed with those new shoes he wanted nearby. Take him out to dinner AND pay the bill. Blow him as he watches the game, with a cold beer in hand, burger you made him at the ready. Give him a massage. Pour him a beer…BUTT ASS NAKED actually all of these should be done topless or completely naked. For gods sake just take the pressure off this commercial holiday that’s likely to make him feel like crap for not being loaded. Because chances are he loves you, busts his ass trying to provide for you even if he struggles too, and genuinely tries to be a better man for YOU. You’re a woman, and one day you’ll go through labor and pop a human being out ... MAN UP and take matters into your own hands. 

     As for me you can catch me doing all of those things for and to myself tonight. Completely happy with my own company and free of the thought that I’ll be disappointed if someone doesn’t do nice things for me first. But if a hot little thang surprises me with some churros and champagne… Hey that’s always nice too. But I don’t need it, cause I'm happy with myself and that’s the most satisfying feeling in the world.

Before I go I'd like to leave you with a few words from one of my favorite writers:
    "It’s wonderful to celebrate love between two people. But it’s even MORE wonderful to celebrate the love you have for YOURSELF. If you pin your hopes & dreams on someone else & expect them to fulfill your every wish & desire, you’re going to be disappointed. No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. A lot of us know that but still we pursue a “perfect love”, waiting for that day when Prince or Princess Charming will come riding over the hill & rescue us from ourselves.No one can rescue us. We have to do that on our own. Similarly, real love can’t be found in some perfect person. It’s only once we really & truly adore ourselves that we can experience perfect love!"

    "You are magnificent. You are gorgeous. You are a sultry genius, a waterfall of stars. You are a brilliant muse, a glorious deity. You are a blossoming lotus, a crackling thunderstorm. You are a supernova. You are more spectacular than you can possibly imagine.Pretending to be anything else is simply a disservice to your true self.

 Shine on, you crazy diamond ~ G.D"

I hope those words inspire you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, grab life by the balls, and go out there and do something that pleases you brings a smile to someones face!

Get it Girl!! xoxox